
I thought about doing one of those sappy “what I’m thankful for” posts, but remembered my last post was a little sappy. When I considered the possibility of two sappy posts in a row I threw up in my mouth a little. So, instead, you will get my thoughts on some parts of Thanksgiving.

  1. First, I would like to say NO ONE IS TAKING THANKSGIVING FROM YOU! Well, they are if you work for a retailer that will be open on Thanksgiving day. If you do work for one of them then, yes, they are taking Thanksgiving from you and you should be upset about that. You should be mad at the company, but also at the people referenced above who cry about stores being open on Thanksgiving, but then go shopping on Thanksgiving. The stores are open because you are there. If people stopped shopping on Thanksgiving stores would stop opening. It’s a pretty simple concept. The stores are not stealing your Thanksgiving by opening(unless you work there) you are giving your Thanksgiving to them willingly by showing up. You are also an accomplice in the theft of their employees’ Thanksgiving. You, my shopper friend, are the real thief in this scenario.
  2. I have been advocating for going out for dinner on Thanksgiving since we are staying home and it is just the four of us. We went out two years ago when my wife was in China over the holiday and it was so nice and easy. I feel like cooking and cleaning takes away from time we could spend together. Also, I’m not a huge fan of turkey. One meal and maybe a couple of sandwiches of leftovers and I’m done with it. Going out means no pressure to eat a lot of turkey before it goes bad. I will never win, though, because I am married to a traditionalist.  I assume we will continue with a home cooked Thanksgiving meal for four until such time that our kids have families and the crowd increases. I will still try for a meal out every year, but I know it will never happen.
  3. The parade is boring. Every year I insist on turning the TV on the parade coverage and every year my family complains that it is boring and will ask to watch something else. I grumble as I do it, but I have to admit that the parade is boring. I’m not sure why I try to watch it every year. Maybe I’m also a traditionalist.
  4. On a more serious note, this is the first Thanksgiving without my mom. I had planned to go to Kentucky to be with her. It will be hard. I’m sure at some point the thought will cross my mind that I should call her before I remember that I can’t. That will be even harder. Be thankful for the time you can spend with your loved ones.

OK. Now that I turned sappy and threw up in my mouth a little, I will close. Happy Thanksgiving!

5 thoughts on “Thanksgiving

  1. Happy Thanksgiving! The first holiday without a loved one is very hard at some point. We all go through that, though. I still find holidays a little less than what they were now that my parents aren’t around, and it’s been seven years since my father died and 13 since my mother died. Thanksgiving is worse because it’s also when we always celebrate my birthday, and my daughter always spends this holiday with her father and his family. So now I’ve gotten sappy and hope I didn’t cause you to throw up in your mouth a little. Hahahahaha.

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  2. Having family in the retail business, I agree that people need to stop shopping on Thanksgiving. It can wait. Of course, some companies would make them come in and stock for the big sales on Friday, but that can be done in the evening after staff have had a chance to be with family.
    Thanksgiving without loved ones is hard. The first Thanksgiving without my mom’s parents was tough. We always went there and ate until our stomachs would burst. The fellowship was usually great (sometimes the extended family gets a little weird, but I won’t go into that).
    Over the years, our traditions have become less of traditions and more of “who are we going to be able to see since we only have a few days”. We can’t see everyone due to distance, so every year is different. This year is no exception.
    Sometimes we have even “built a family” out of close friends. Those can be some of the best get togethers, in my opinion. Quality time, that is the key.

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  3. Reblogged this on The World's Common Tater and commented:

    I’m cheating again. I decided to look to see what I’ve said about Thanksgiving before. This is my post from last year. It is all still valid. ON the actual day, I might really do one of those sappy “what I’m thankful for” posts. You have been warned. Enjoy this rerun because I’m too lazy to write a new post.


  4. Absolutely true about shoppers as the villains taking away Thanksgiving. If no one shows up, the stores won’t open. End of story. I’m sorry about your mom. Hope you and your family have a nice thanksgiving.

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