Testing My New Writing Setup

I finally spent some time this week looking fot the bluetooth keyboard I knew was somewhere in the house. I looked in the spot where it used to live and it was not there. I checkd other likely locations. Nothing. My wife then checked her collection of things to possibly donate and there it was.

I plugged it in and charged it up, but could not get it to work. This morning, I told my wife I couldn’t get it to work. She asked if I had read the instructions. I think we all know the answer to that question. I looked at the instructions and in 30 seconds found what I had done wrong. The keyboard connected immediately to my iPad.

The keyboard was made for a smaller iPad. Mine does not fit in the case but I do have something else we use for Zoom and other meetings to hold the iPad in an upright position. Combining that with the keyboard works great.

This still means working mostly from the app and not the website, but I think I can get used to that. Whenever I do get the laptop back I might still write with this setup. I will use the laptop to do things that work best in a non-mobile setup.

I feel much better about my writing life now.

17 thoughts on “Testing My New Writing Setup

  1. I’ve never learned how to type doing thumbsies. I do the scroll with my thumb. But, yeah, if you don’t have a good set up to write it’s just not enjoyable!

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  2. Some people need only the best setups, while others get work done. Having said that you’d type with your thumbs on your phone if you didn’t have the keyboard, I can safely say that you’re the type of writer who gets things done. Thanks for sharing!

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  3. Yay! I’m glad you already had a bluetooth keyboard. Until I got my iPad Pro, I used an old wireless keyboard with my other iPad. (It helps to be an all-Apple user.) I took them whenever I traveled, and it worked great. But when I got the larger iPad, I decided I should get a case with a keyboard. Luckily, my sister was looking for birthday gift ideas.

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