My Week in Books, Movies, and TV 12/11/20

My last day off from work before my last day of work. One more day off when I assume my personal time will be interrupted multiple times by someone who cares nothing about boundaries and a work/life balance. I ignored one of those calls at 7 last night. Its hard to relax when people won’t let you have time off. I’m hoping next week will bring a calmer mind that will be more conducive to reading. I still can’t tell if I find it hard to get into a book because of the book or because of my state of mind. Here’s the week:

Movies – I don’t think I watched a movie this week. We do have a DVD from the library, but between football and work we never had a night to watch it. All of our other screen time was spent with TV shows. Now that HBO Max is on my TV and I will have more time, I expect this will change soon.

TV – The Kentucky football game was on Saturday night. Kentucky basketball was on Sunday evening. Ravens football was on Tuesday night. The rest of the time was spent with our regular shows. Magnum PI and Bkue Bloods were both back this week. I’m happy to see that they both seem to take place in a post pandemic world. They mentioned it, but in a way that makes it sound like it was in the past and no one is wearing masks. It will be nice to have more shows that seem somewhat normal. We watched one new shows – the Canadian show Nurses that NBC has purchased. I saw a lot of mediocre reviews for it, but I enjoyed it. We like medical shows and it has a good cast. I’m blissfully unaware of how medically accurate it is.

Books – I finished one book this week – Black Sun by Rebecca Roanhorse. I love her book Trail of Lightning. It took me a minute to get into this one. It is a true fantasy book and sine I had read nothing about it, this was a surprise for me. That threw me off and then it took a little bit for me to invest in the world she was building. I kept going because I had heard so many good things about it and eventually got to the point where I wanted to keep reading. I will read the next book, but I wish this one didn’t seem like all build up for what’s next.

On Deck – My kids both come home Monday so we will catch up on all of the holiday shows and movies I’ve been saving for them . The finale of Amazing Race is Wednesday. I’m reading Some Kind of Animal by Maria Romasco-Moore.

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4 thoughts on “My Week in Books, Movies, and TV 12/11/20

      1. I’ve never read anything by her, and I surmised that it was a fantasy. That’s why it’s good to hear what someone I know thinks. I have no idea about the writer.

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