My Summer Break Bucket List

Earlier this week LA posted an update on how she did on her Spring Bucket List. It inspired me to try to come up with a bucket list for summer break.

The problem – when you rarely do things for yourself it is hard to come up with a list of things you want to do.

I’m starting typing today with only one item I know will be on the list. The rest will be what comes to mind as a type.

  1. See a movie in the theater
  2. Spend another day wandering around DC
  3. See the ocean
  4. Buy the tickets to see The Dollyrots in Baltimore next month
  5. Take a day trip to a place I have never been
  6. Start a writing project that is more than vomiting words into a blog post

That’s all that has come to mind as I sit here this morning. I will do an update on how I did once summer break is over.

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