
I was given another free three months of the Panera Sip Club so I am back to going there for coffee multiple times a week.

When there is a line, generally they will have one line and each person at the register will call the next person up when they are available.

I think this is the best way to do lines. No one has to worry about picking the wrong line and ending up waiting longer because they were stuck behind a slow person while the other line moves quickly.

Twice recently, I’ve seen people take it upon themselves to change the line procedure and pick a register instead.

The second time, the person who decided everyone should choose a specific register then got mad when the person at their chosen register had to walk away to make a drink or the previous customer. You made the choice. Now you have to live with it.

I also experienced plenty of lines at airports recently. People seem to lose IQ points when lines and airports are involved.

They call certain zones for boarding and people in the wrong zones go up to try to board only to be turned away.

People stand in a line for security and do nothing to get ready until it is their turn and then slow the line down as they struggle to remember how to walk through a metal detector.

People can’t figure out how to scan a passport at the more modern security locations.

People go to customs control with their passports still buried in their bags.

Or they go to security with their boarding passes still buried in their bags.

I’m a very impatient person and I have been someone who has not handled line waits well. I’m trying to get better at it. I think I was successful this trip. It helped that I had very easy, friendly customs people.

This time I was content to sit back and watch the circus around me.

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