Tater’s Week in Review 5/10/24

It’s the end of another week so it is time for another look at my week.


I was at the school two days this week. Both times for classses I’ve subbed for multiple times. That makes the day much easier.

I was also at the school Wednesday afternoon to watch the women’s lacrosse team in the playoffs. They are off to the championship game tomorrow.

It was good that I didn’t work Wednesday since it was the only dry day I had to get the yard mowed.

TV News and Views

Extended Family was canceled at NBC.

Lopez vs Lopez was renewed at NBC.

Eamonn Walker will no longer be a series regular on Chicago Fire.

A third person in a row was voted off Survivor with an immunity idol in their pocket. They are entertaining, but they are bad at the game.

This season of Amazing Race is still not the best.

One of my favorites from the beginning of the show won Next Level Chef. That rarely happens.


I finished one book this week.

Weyward by Emilia Hart – The stories of three women from the Weyward family: Altha in 1619 is on trial for witchcraft and murder. Violet in 1942 is trapped in her family estate and by social convention. Kate in 2019 flees an abusive boyfriend and hides out in the family cottage she inherited.

I read this one for book club and enjoyed it. As with most books that alternate between characters, there were character stories I liked more than others, so sometimes it was too easy to put the book down when it switched to a different timeline. I eventually did get drawn into all of the stories and didn’t want to stop reading. I would recommend it to anyone with the warning that there are multiple scenes of women being abused by terrible men.

On Deck

Right now, I am scheduled to work at the school two days next week.

Interview With the Vampire returns on AMC Sunday night.

The finales of Deal or No Deal Island, Alert: Missing Persons Unit, Amazing Race, So Help Me Todd, SWAT, and Fire Country all air next week.

I am currently reading Toxic Prey by John Sandford.

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9 thoughts on “Tater’s Week in Review 5/10/24

    1. I wish they would go back to the old days when a good chunk of the cast was people the producers found outside of the applicant pool. I’m tired of the super fans who still can’t play the game properly.

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