Tater’s Week in Review 10/14/23

It’s been a very tiring week and I’m still trying to find how to schedule my writing time around my new schedule. This might end up shifting to Saturday again since Friday morning is a very early day for me.


I knew that Thursday would likely be the only day the school might call me to sub this week. It was nice to know that so I could plan my week ahead of time.

I did end up working at the school all day on Thursday. I’m getting at least one, sometimes two days of work a week right now.

I went to the farm Friday to collect fecal samples from the goats since the regular goat person is away for a couple of weeks. It is much easier when I am helping them versus being the one doing it.

Book club turned into sushi with friends after the person hosting was unable to host. It was good to be out with friends and get food my family never eats.


I tried to watch a movie Tuesday afternoon when I was finished with everything and had two hours before anyone else was home. I was asleep 20 minutes in. So, I did not watch a movie this week.


We are watching Kitchen Nightmares this season. Yesterday we watched an old episode so we could see the one time Gordon walked out and didn’t fix the restaurant. I was not shocked to see that the restaurant is no longer open.

We are still watching Taskmaster when we have time. We have less time to watch it now that my wife is home again. She does not appreciate British humor as much as my daughter and I do.

I lost too much sleep and missed a lot of TV to watch the Braves choke in the playoffs again.

We were sad to see Cassidy go on The Challenge this week. We liked her on Survivor and started really rooting for her when they kept sending her to the arena.

I’m happy to have John Oliver back. I’m happy SNL is back tonight. It might be the last new shows we get for a while since the SAG/AFTRA strike looks like it will not end any time soon.

This week’s Survivor was much better now that we have people who want to and can play the game. It ended with a good blindside and now we get a tribe swap. It’s almost like watching the old days.


I finished one book this week.

Son of a Critch by Mark Critch – Mark Critch is best known as the “roving reporter” for CBC’s This Hour Has 22 Minutes. This is his memoir about growing up in Newfoundland and his experience as the weirdest kid in school.

I had never heard of Mark Critch until CW started airing the Canadian TV show Son of a Critch. Since nothing else was on TV we decided to watch. We love it. It was suggested I look for the book, so I did. I was surprised my local library had it. I enjoyed it because I was familiar with the show and it was fun to see what was changed when it was adapted and to recognize certain stories. I’m not sure someone not familiar with Critch or the show would be compelled to read it. It was very good and funny.

On Deck

We have too many DVDs from the library: Air, Asteroid City, and No Hard Feelings. I’m not sure if we will get to any of them. I might need to watch them when everyone else is asleep.

Hotel Portofino returns to PBS tomorrow night.

The season finale of The Challenge: USA is on Thursday night.

I am reading How Can I Help You by Laura Sims.

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