What’s Good in Tater Town 3/3/19

This will be a difficult one, not because it was a bad week, but because it was a very uneventful week. Not a lot happened good or bad. Also, I’m old now and can barely remember the week. Let’s give it a shot. I am not going to force it to ten this week.

  1. My son came home for dinner Sunday night. It’s always good to start the week with one of my kids home.
  2. I covered the desk at a different branch Monday afternoon. I always enjoy getting out to different places to break up the work week.
  3. My wife was home when I got home Monday evening so I had less time alone this week.
  4. I had a training Thursday afternoon, so I had another opportunity to get out and see different people.
  5. The training ended early so I took an hour of personal leave and left work at 4.
  6. I still had a free coffee and donut to use at Krispy Kreme so I not only left early but also got a free donut and coffee for the drive home.
  7. I was a little sick yesterday, but that did force me to just take the day off completely and nap on the couch. I needed a day like that.

That’s it. Only seven this week. It was a very boring, uneventful week. That’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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