Writing Challenge Day 2 Where I Go From Happy To Depressing in Just a Few Short Hours

I thought the happy post from yesterday was hard. Today’s is even harder. Something someone told me about myself that I will never forget? I’ve been thinking about this since yesterday and I am struggling to come up with something.

I could go with the second grade teacher who said I was the type of kid who could be anything I wanted to be. She used astronaut as an example, but I have motion sickness and a fear of height, so that was out. The problem with this one is that I didn’t become everything I wanted to be. I didn’t challenge myself or explore my options in college and ended up becoming a librarian because I happened to get a job at the library while in school. So, remembering what she said about me is kind of depressing

I try to think of a second one but I really can’t recall anything major anyone has ever told me about myself. Possibly I’m just not paying attention but possibly because I’m not the type of person people would say profound things about. Really, when you think about it, what could they say that would be so profound or important that I would always remember? I’m just an average guy with an average life. I’m boring and quiet and the type if person people don’t notice. I’m like the invisible girl from that episode of Buffy. It’s hard for people to say something profound about someone they rarely even see.

4 thoughts on “Writing Challenge Day 2 Where I Go From Happy To Depressing in Just a Few Short Hours

  1. If it makes you feel better, I can’t think of anything off the top of my head either. I’m not sure whether I’d come up with something by the end of the day.


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